Monday June 1st 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM All Students
We will be collecting all the materials and chromebooks. This includes the previous 3 weeks of work, all
textbooks and the Chromebooks with chargers. If there is a missing chromebook or materials, the Yearbook and
report card may be withheld or delayed. A staff member will collect the materials and Chromebooks with a
charger and place them in a box. This will be completed at the bus loading zone.
We will be collecting all the materials and chromebooks. This includes the previous 3 weeks of work, all
textbooks and the Chromebooks with chargers. If there is a missing chromebook or materials, the Yearbook and
report card may be withheld or delayed. A staff member will collect the materials and Chromebooks with a
charger and place them in a box. This will be completed at the bus loading zone.
Lunes 1ero de Junio 8:00-2 pm Todos los estudiantes entregaran todos los materiales de aprendizaje junto con su chromebook y cargador. Esto incluye el trabajo de las ultimas 3 semanas, libros de texto y chromebooks y cargador.