Principal Chris Francis' Communication

August 11th, 2021

 Dear Families of Oak Manor,

Welcome to the 2021-22 school year, we have missed you! Oak Manor staff has been working hard to plan and create a rigorous and robust learning experience for our students. The following are staffing changes for the upcoming school year; Mr. Eiffert is moving to 3rd grade and Ms. Hernandez is our new ASES director. In addition, we are welcoming several new teachers. Ms. Perales in kindergarten, Ms. Jarrett in the grade ⅘ combination class, and Ms. Delong and Ms. Cook will be teaching grade 6. We will also be welcoming our new counselor Jesse Damian. 

Oak Manor is a uniform school. Uniforms help students to keep their focus on learning. School uniforms promote a positive school climate and increase student cohesiveness and appropriate behavior. Students need to come dressed in a purple or white shirt and need to wear beige/khaki pants/shorts or skirts. Sweatshirts, shoes, leggings and jackets can be a personal preference. 

Students at Oak Manor Elementary School receive 40 minutes of PE in addition to the scheduled recesses. PLease make sure that your child wears proper footwear. Open-toed sandals, Uggs, shoes with heels and flip-flops are unsafe for PE and physical activity. Please remember that no tie shoes for younger students are encouraged until they are ready to tie their own shoes. 

In the event that your child is absent from school please call our school office as soon as possible at 472-5183. Oak Manor will send an automated absence notification at 9:30 AM for any uncleared absences. Please understand that this phone call is for your child’s safety. 

In addition, please log into the Aeries Parent Portal ( to create an account and/or update your child’s information. This is the only way you can provide us with information regarding addresses and phone numbers etc.. This is VITAL as information will be going out regularly by our site and district by mail, email and text.  If you need assistance, please contact the school office or call or make an appointment with our parent liaison, Gloria Vaine at 472-5185. 

Dropping off and picking your child up from school is an important part of each child's day. All pick up and drop off will take place in our parking lot. School begins at 8AM and ends at 2:30 PM and on Wednesday school begins at 8:00AM and ends at 12:38 PM. Due to current Covid-19 Safety protocols visitors are not allowed on campus or in classrooms at this time. All students will need to be dropped off and picked up at the drop off location in front of the cafeteria. Students walking to school will enter school from the south sidewalk on Oak Manor Drive and walk up to campus. Please remember that the students line up at 8:00 AM and begin class at that time. Any arrivals after 8:00 AM will be considered tardy.

In the morning, please enter the parking lot through the North entrance of the parking lot. We will form two lines of cars beginning at the stop sign. Each lane will take turns merging into the pick up drop off area. Drop off begins at 7:30 AM. There will be a staff member in front of the school greeting students. Students will then go through the cafeteria and pick up breakfast from 7:30-7:45 AM. They will then proceed to the outdoor seating area to eat, then play. Teachers will call students to line up at the 8 AM bell. 

In the afternoon, students are released from school at 2:30 PM and 12:38 PM on Wednesdays. Due to Covid-19 safety protocols we are not allowing visitors to classrooms or on campus. We will form two lines of cars beginning at the stop sign. Each lane will take turns merging into the pick up drop off area. Pick up begins at 2:30 PM. There will be staff members assisting students with the correct cars. Please make sure to review with your child who will be picking them up and what the vehicle looks like. The first few days will take longer as everyone figures out the process. 

In order to prepare and provide the best safest possible learning experience for your student, we will need to work together in order to support the academic and emotional needs of all students. We will be opening back to 5 days a week of in person instruction on August 19, 2021. If you are interested in alternative options to in person attendance please contact our school office at (707) 472-5180.    

In the effort to maintain a safe and healthy environment for all students and staff we will be following the guidance provided by the California Department of Public Health and our local health officers. We have created a Site Safety Plan that outlines the mitigation strategies we will be using to promote a safe, healthy and happy campus. As the final details of the plans are completed we will be sending more detailed instructions regarding safety protocols, prior to the beginning of school. Masks will be required of all students and staff on our school campus. Families are encouraged  to provide their students with masks  but there will be masks available for each child on site.  

Finally, parent involvement and parent communication is really important to us. There are many opportunities to be a part of our school community. Please be on the look for important dates in our monthly Bobcat Bulletin for a list of  Parent Teacher Organization ( PTO ) meetings as well as our English Language Acquisition Committee ( ELAC) . If you are interested , please contact our parent/community liaison, Gloria Vaine at 472-5185..  We will be continuing monthly newsletters and Virtual Award assemblies.

 As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, ideas or concerns.  Please contact our school secretary, Maria Vega, at our office number 472-5182 if you would like to make an appointment with me by phone or Zoom. You can also email me at Your involvement with our school makes education stronger for your child.  Thank you for your patience, trust and flexibility as we embark on this historic school year. 


Chris Francis
