Important Information on Student Drop off and Pick up.

August 18th, 2023

 Dear Families of Oak Manor,

Welcome to the 2023-24 school year, we have missed you! The 1st day of school is August 21st. There has been a flurry of construction and activity on our campus this summer. We have made major improvements in safety and security with new fencing and construction in our parking lot. We are also in the process of completing construction on our 3 new classrooms this school year. 

With the new construction there will be some temporary and permanent changes to the way we will be accessing campus. With the addition of fencing we will have a safe and secure campus for all students and staff. There is an 8 foot fence around the entire campus with separate interior fences for the kindergarten area and the back fields. The fields and playgrounds will be accessible during off school hours for the public. 

During school hours, the only access to the school campus is through the main office. Any visitor to campus will need to enter the office, sign in and receive a visitor pass. Any volunteers must check with teachers in advance to visit and complete the Volunteer paperwork and screening process. The process can be accessed on the Oak Manor website or assistance can be found in our main office. 

Due to the limited number of parking spots available, all visitors will need to park on the street and walk into the campus. The parking lot is for staff parking with an Oak Manor Parking pass displayed on the dash. Repeat instances of parking without a pass will result in ticketing and possible towing of vehicles. 

Dropping off and picking your child up from school is an important part of each child's day. All pick up and drop off will take place in our parking lot. School begins at 8 AM and ends at 2:30 PM and on Wednesday school begins at 8:00 AM and ends at 12:38 PM. Students walking to school will enter school from the sidewalk on Oak Manor Drive and walk up to campus using the fenced pedestrian walkway. Please remember that the students line up at 8:00 AM and begin class at that time. Any arrivals after 8:00 AM will be considered tardy and students will be directed to the school office.

In the morning, please enter the parking lot through the North entrance of the parking lot. We will form two lines of cars beginning at the stop sign. Each lane will take turns merging into the pick up drop off area. Drop off begins at 7:30 AM. There will be a staff member in front of the school greeting students. Students will then go through the cafeteria and pick up breakfast from 7:30-7:45 AM. They will then proceed to the outdoor seating area to eat, then play. Teachers will call students to line up at the 8 AM bell. 

In the afternoon, students are released from school at 2:30 PM and 12:38 PM on Wednesdays. We will form two lines of cars beginning at the stop sign. Each lane will take turns merging into the pick up drop off area. Pick up begins at 2:30 PM and 12:38 PM. There will be staff members assisting students with the correct cars. Please make sure to review with your student who will be picking them up and what the vehicle looks like. The first few days will take longer as everyone figures out the process.  

 As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, ideas or concerns.  Please contact our school secretary, Maria Vega, at our office number 472-5182 if you would like to make an appointment with me virtually or in person. You can also email me at [email protected]. Your involvement with our school makes education stronger for your child.  Thank you for your patience, trust and flexibility as we embark on this new school year. 


Chris Francis
